Last month my family and I were miserably ill🤒. It happens every year about the same time when kids go back to school… and bring the germs home! But what if you find yourself travelling when you come down with the bug? What if you’re a healthcare provider and your patient speaks no English? Read on to learn a few ways to describe symptoms and common illnesses in Spanish.
¿Cuáles son sus síntomas? What are your symptoms?
¿Tiene…? Do you have…?
Tengo… I have…
…fiebre …a fever
…dolor de garganta ….a sore throat
…dolor de cabeza …a headache
…escalofríos …chills
…nauseas …nausea
…vómitos …vomiting
…tos …a cough
…dolores corporales …body aches
…escurrimiento nasal …a runny nose
…dificultad para dormir …trouble sleeping
…dificultad para respirar …trouble breathing
…fatiga …fatigue
…mareos …dizziness
…diarrea …diarrhea
…estreñimiento …constipation
…sarpullido …a rash
…falta de apetito …a poor appetite
…congestión …congestion
…picazón …itching
…hinchazón …swelling
…estornudos …sneezing
Enfermedades comunes Common Illnesses
la gripe/la gripa the flu
el resfriado/el resfrío/el catarro common cold
la influenza influenza
las alergias allergies
la faringitis estreptocócica strep throat
la mononucleosis mononucleosis
la bronquitis bronchitis
la gastritis gastritis
la neumonía pneumonia
el COVID-19 COVID-19
For more information on learning medical Spanish, or to provide training to your staff, please reach out!