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Writer's pictureMichelle Sabala Hagerott

Business Spanish Podcast: Aviation Procurement: Entrevista con Juliana Martín

In this episode of Business Spanish, we chat with Julianne, a procurement professional for an international aircraft manufacturer. As she tells us about her company and her role as a buyer, we pause the conversation to review key points and vocabulary. In a future bonus episode, Julianne will join us again to recount her travels in Latin America and explain her journey in learning Spanish.



Vocabulary in this episode

el empresario, la empresaria: businessman, businesswoman

fabricar, manufacturar: to manufacture

el comprador, la compradora: buyer

la pieza: part (component, as in automotive or aircraft part)

el avión de negocios, el jet ejecutivo: business plane, jet

el jefe, la jefa: boss

el trabajo remoto: remote job, remote working

la plataforma: platform

el software: software

la reunión virtual: virtual meeting

compartir la pantalla: to share the screen

ser productivo: to be productive

el proyecto urgente: rush or “hot” project

la ventaja: advantage

el equipo de compañeros: team of co-workers, classmates, etc.

el empleador: employer

comprar: to buy, purchase

el vendedor: vendor, supplier

el cliente: customer, client

el tiempo de entrega: lead time

el correo electrónico: e-mail

la orden de compra: purchase order

solicitar: to request

el extranjero: overseas, abroad

el logro exitoso: successful achievement, accomplishment

cometer errores: to make mistakes

saldar cuentas de efectivo: to settle cash accounts

cerrar las cuentas: to close accounts

los cálculos: calculations

vender: to sell

el papel comercial, el pagaré: commercial paper

financiar: to finance, fund

despedir: to fire

el aumento de salario, sueldo: pay raise

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